Friday, April 30, 2010

>WEEK 5< DAY 21 - 3 May 2010 (Monday)

Get ready to service the generator set from Temerloh...
The engine for this generator set is Deutz....

Firstly, change the lube oil...Throw away the old oil and add with new oil..
Then, change the fuel filter and oil filter...
After that, fix the belt...
Start the engine...The engine can run..But the problem is the ammeter cannot give the correct reading...
So, as a result we change the ammeter with a new one...
The engine start back and the ammeter give the correct reading....
The task done...

>WEEK 4< DAY 20 - 29 April 2010 (Thursday)

Received a 32 kW generator set from Temerloh...
The task is to service the engine and the problem is the generator set cannot supply fully load...
Due to rain, the work had to do on Sunday..

Monday, April 26, 2010

>WEEK 4< DAY 19 - 28 April 2010 (Wednesday)

Continue repair Deutz engine...
Find the problem in the engine..
Open the cylinder head...
Know the problem...Have a piston deposits at anti fatigue bolt exhaust manifold...
Then, clean the carbon deposits...
After all done...The reassemble all components...

>WEEK 4< DAY 18 - 27 April 2010 (Tuesday)

Breifing about Deutz engine...

The objective is know how to repair Deutz engine...

Step to repair:
-open the rocker chamber cover
-open the removable air cooling
-open the starter
-open the oil filter and fuel filter
-open the filter housing
-open the fuel pump
-open the air cooler
-open the air manifold
-open the exhaust manifold
*All the step must be follow to make the work easy and safe..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

>WEEK 4< DAY 17 - 26 April 2010 (Monday)

Help a staff to write a report about the problem that occur in Pulau Tioman..After a work is done, a report must be done to send to the headquarters...As a trainer, I try to do his job as an officer...

>WEEK 4< DAY 16 - 25 April 2010 (Sunday)

As usual, arrive early at office...
Today, many staffs go to course..

Continue work that has been made in Tioman...Wash the radiator fan shaft and it's bearing....Our supervisor check the problems...As a result, the broken shaft and bearing should be submitted to the workshop...

>WEEK 3< DAY 15 - 23 April 2010 (Friday)

At 8.30 am, started work..First, try to change radiator fan from Caterpillar set no 3 to Caterpillar set no 2..When we want to remove fan from set no 2, we found that the shaft bent and the bearing broken..that's why the fan not turn well...So, we put fan from set no 3..Then, we try to start the engine..It works well...The work not finished yet...We want to change the governor...Since set no 3 does not work, so we take governor from set no 3 to put at set no 2...

All the works completed...Now, Caterpillar engine set no 1 and 2 can run and supply electricity..

When we get ready to back, officer call our staff and told him to completed the Caterpiller engine set no 3..We are confused about it..Set no 3 can't run because not have radiator fan..So, we must find the fan..After discussed, we try to go to Rompin and try to take the fan at store..

At 2 pm, we all back to Rompin...Arrived at Rompin about 6 pm..But the fan not same with engine at Tioman...Called manager and told him about the problem..He want to go back to Tioman and bring back the broken fan...

>WEEK 3< DAY 14 - 22 April 2010 (Thursday)

Woke up early...After breakfast, go to jetty..Usually, the earliest ferry from Mersing to Pulau Tioman at 10 am..But today, the first jetty is 12.30 pm because water receding..We arrived at Tioman at 2.30 pm...

Without wasting time, we continued our work..At TNB Tioman, there are 3 set Caterpillar engine and two set Wartsila engine..The problem is, only one Caterpillar engine and one Wartsila engine can run..But, it cann't fully supply electricity.

So, we try to find the cause of the damaged..First, we services set 2 Caterpillar engine..We change the belt and the alternator charger...The old alternator charger can't function very well..
Then, we started the engine..One other problem come...The problem is the radiator fan..When we started, the fan turned and hit the radiator cover..

At first we want to continue, but it's late..We stopped at 7 pm..

>WEEK 3< DAY 13 - 21 April 2010 (Wednesday)

Last week, officer from TNB Pulau Tioman called manager DMU Lemal to complain about the engine...2 or 3 days before the engine not work well..So, he want one team from DMU to go there...On this occasion, I also joined...

After prepared all the tools, 2 staffs and I start to moved to Tioman...Before go to Tioman, we must stop at TNB Rompin to take engine components..At TNB Rompin, there are a workshop where in the workshop have many damaged engine especially CATERPILLAR engine..

We arrived at TNB Rompin at 6 pm. We open the engine and take a water pump and alternator charger from one of the engine..The officer from Tioman said maybe the problem is water pump...So, we prepared for it...We finished at 9 pm..

After all finished, we all continue a journey to Tioman...We arrived at Mersing at 11pm and slept at a hotel at Mersing...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

>WEEK 3< DAY 12 - 20 April 2010 (Tuesday)

Continue repair generator mobile from KT...All the services almost completed...Today, the task is to paint the engine, make a new tank for the engine and change the new base...

After all done, the engine are connected back with the base..Finally, the engine placed back in the van...

Monday, April 19, 2010

>WEEK 3< DAY 11 - 19 April 2010 (Monday)

Today, En Azlan as a supervisor told the staffs to repair mobile generator set 32 KW from Kuala Terengganu..The problem we should solve is to services the engine and change the new base for the engine...

After bring down from van, we detach each component such as pulley, alternator and water pump...We clear all the component, wash with diesel..

After, all component were washed, we put in a box because we wan to spray tomorrow...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

>WEEK 3< DAY 10 - 18 April 2010 (Sunday)

As usual...WEEKLY MEETING...
At 8.30 a.m...All staffs get ready in meeting room...En Fadhil as the BOSS give some breifing about last week work and work for this week...Then, En Asri explain more about safety...a little discussion has taken place...

At afternoon, I help En Asri to do slide for presentation...He ask me to help him...Then, I help him to type a report....Then, we all cleaned the store...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 9 - 15 April 2010 (Thursday)

It's the of work...after 2 weeks as a trainer, today is the first day i go work out of office..
Today, one of the trainer and I follow two staffs go to Kg Serasa, Dabong.Serasa is 150 km from Pasir Mas, is an edge of Kelantan. It takes 3 hours journey to arrive at the destination, because the condition of the road is really bad(off road)

We all go to Kg Serasa to service the generator, change oil filter, fuel filter and lube oil.. At serasa, there only have 12 – 15 families. That was just enough for the basic house without air-conditioning, refrigerator and any equipment which is use a huge power. Our generator is running 12 hour per day, start at 7 pm until 7 am.

Basically, TNB use Duetz diesel engine for generator..One of the models is F4L912...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 8 - 14 April 2010 (Wednesday)

I think i want to study about Duetz Diesel Engine..I felt it's interesting...
When i arrive at TNB lemal, I quickly find En Asri, to ask about Duetz engine..
He give me a book tells about the engine..After break, at 11 a.m I study a little bit about
the engine.....

Then, I searching more about the engine..From what i found this engine, DEUTZ F4L912 has 26 components,
Some in formation about this engine that I found in internet

Monday, April 12, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 7 - 13 April 2010 (Tuesday)

What I want to do today?my question before go to work...I feel no work to do today..Because supervisor not said anything yesterday...

I go to work as usual..Punch card and rest at rest room before supervisor give any work..It is the time...Time for clean workshop..all staff has given a work to clean the workshop..I voluntarily to help the same time, Abg Din tell me about the components in the workshop...He told me TNB use Deutz engine as a generator set.

Then, he told me clearly about the the first, i can't understand..especially its function and how it work...Abg din told me to borrow a book about the Deutz engine...Inside that, there have explanation about the engine...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 6 - 12 April 2010 (Monday)

As usual, after punch card, all staffs discussed how to do today.,.,After all agreed, we all decided to do housekeeping today.,.,It is because, audit will come at the middle of March...So, we must get ready early... each people divided into group..

Work to do:
-paint the wall
-repair the wiring
-clean the workshop
-sort the components in its place
-build a small shed

Although this work is not related to what I have studied in UNITEN, but I study
about how to work in a team..We must help with each other to complete a task...

At evening, we all continue our work...
At 5.00 pm we all punch card and go back,...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 5 - 11 April 2010 (Sunday)

Start a new week....hope this week have any work to do...
last week very bored..
Every day go to with newspaper..walk arround..(schedule for last week...)

7.30 a.m, get ready, breakfast and ride to Lemal...
As usual, I arrived on the time...(before 8.00 a.m)
Told by staff about meeting at 8.15 a.m...
they all called "ROKAL"

At the meeting, En Fadhil as a boss give some brief about safety in workplace...
He want to remember to staff about safety..He doesn't want any accident happen...

Start writing the LOGBOOK.,.,.
Nothing to write on logbook...,.,Last week no
work to do.,.
Ohhh.,.,last week repaired generator set...
So, I write a little point on the logbook...,

>WEEK 1< DAY 4 - 8 April 2010 (Thursday)

Two or three days ago, TNB REMACO received a GENERATOR SET 500KW from TNB Kota Bharu.,.,,,The generator can't function...So, the staffs have a task to do...First, the generator must be service and find the problem...Abg Din and En Sobri whose experts about this, assigned to do this work....Service for this generator take a lot of time...After 2 hours, the service have been done...But the problem not yet found.,.,.

generator set 500KW

After break, we continue work...Found the problem,....The problem is water pump....The wall of water pump become very thin...Maybe the friction in the pump...So, the water pump has been removed to replace with new water pump...The cost to replace it around RM 7000...

Water Pump

Friday, April 9, 2010

>WEEK 1< DAY 3 - 7 April 2010 (Wednesday)

No work to do today???I don't think so....

At the morning all staff go to TNB Kota Bharu because they all have meeting...So.....I with two other trainers just relax this morning...Supervisor said you all can rest...HEHEHEHEH.....

In this opportunity, I walked around the workplace to see the environment...

>WEEK 1< DAY 2 - 6 April 2010 (Tuesday)

Second day at REMACO....
As usual, arrived at REMACO before 8.00 a.m.Supervisor, Mr Azlan said today is a rest day...not a rest day actually...but no work to do...
All staffs showed good response..

Executive technician, Mr. Mohd Asri Bin Ismail called me because he want to explain about safety at workplace...
he told me one by one about the safety...Safety is very important in work especially dangerous work....
TNB REMACO had been no accident for a long time...Last accident is in 2007...

please wear this helmet if you don't want your head broken

>WEEK 1< DAY 1 - 5 April 2010 (Monday) [DaY oF tHe WeEk]

Nothing is impossible

Woke up 6.30 a.m.....felt hungry because last night not eat...
at 7.30pm started my scooter to go to new place for industrial training...
this morning i felt very cold...slowly, i ride my black scooter...

When i arrive at TNB REMACO after 10 minutes riding, I saw many staff
in front of the office...then, I met Kak Lah as a clerk at REMACO...I registered my name as a trainer at TNB REMACO...

Base Manager at TNB REMACO's Diesel Maintenance Unit(DMU), En Mohd Fadhil B. Mohamad invite me to met all staff an introduce myself to all..
En Fadhil explain me a little bit about the company..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is the place where I practice as a condition to be an engineer. UNITEN give their student 3 months to do intership programme. as a result I sent my resume to TNB REMACO at Pasir Mas.TNB REMACO located at Lemal..It's about ten minutes from my house....I felt so happy when i know i can training at TNB REMACO..

TNB REMACO also known as TNB REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE..I choose this place because it's near to my house..After a long time study at UNITEN, i want to come back to my lovely village at "GOLDEN SAND" or known as PASIR MAS...

Introduction about TNB REMACO

TNB Repair and Maintenance Sdn. Bhd. (TNB REMACO) was first incorporated as a subsidiary of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) in 1995. The company is managed independently as a business organisation within the corporate structure of the massive TNB group, Malaysia’s premier power utility organisation. While it shares and contributes to the group’s core vision, values, culture and significant financial resources, TNB REMACO nonetheless remains steadfast in the realisation of its own corporate destiny.

As a power utility repair and maintenance organisation, TNB REMACO is managed on quality response to its own business environment comprising the specialised needs of its growing list of clients and customers. This has entailed strategic investment in technology and human capital development, powered on a strong commitment to deliver quality performance in its quest for excellence.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

inilah kali pertama menulis ayat sebagai blogger...
sebelum ni buat esei utk test je...
kalau x jgn harap la nk buat esei...

blog ini di tubuhkan semata-mata untuk industrial training...
kalau tidak x kan ade la blog ini yang bernama "PUTIH SETAR" dan aku x akan bergelar seorang BLOGGER...

Pertama seklai terima kasih di ucapkan kpd Dr Azree yg memperkenalkan sy kpd dunia blogger...
kalau x krn DR sy x akan menulis di sini...

Inilah sebra ringkas pengenalan ataupun intro yg dapat sy luahkan dr isi hati sy...