Saturday, April 10, 2010

>WEEK 2< DAY 5 - 11 April 2010 (Sunday)

Start a new week....hope this week have any work to do...
last week very bored..
Every day go to with newspaper..walk arround..(schedule for last week...)

7.30 a.m, get ready, breakfast and ride to Lemal...
As usual, I arrived on the time...(before 8.00 a.m)
Told by staff about meeting at 8.15 a.m...
they all called "ROKAL"

At the meeting, En Fadhil as a boss give some brief about safety in workplace...
He want to remember to staff about safety..He doesn't want any accident happen...

Start writing the LOGBOOK.,.,.
Nothing to write on logbook...,.,Last week no
work to do.,.
Ohhh.,.,last week repaired generator set...
So, I write a little point on the logbook...,

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